Staff were pretty good, except one barman who seemed to be in a state of narcosis, having to dumbly recount our order twice before totalling it up at the till. Plenty of places to sit, both upstairs and downstairs. Attracts a good crowd, no lager louts or football crowds here. Bloody good beer. Food was on the bit of the expensive side, but the toilets were nice.
Very nice pub right on the river front, rumour has it that during a very high tide you can actually be trapped within its walls as the raised exits have no dry route to the outside, what a shame, get another round in!. They have a square bar that serves on all four sides which came make for quick service, but sometimes you can be overlooked, this would usually be a pain but the have 3 or 4 people constantly serving so your never waiting too long. We sat in one of the more open, dining type areas and had a very good evening.
Definitely one we will visit again.
Pub facilities / features: Food served Bar snacks Real ale WiFi Outside seating | ![]() |
Pint of Fosters, pint of Young's Special, coke, J20: £10.57 | Alex - 8.3 Andrew -8.2 Dave - 6.4 Oliver - 8.0 |
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